Becoming Involved With Someone Else During Your Divorce Can Be a Critical Mistake by Daniel R. Burns{1:30 minutes to read} Even if you met someone long after you felt that the marriage was over, it is possible that your current spouse will still feel that this other person contributed, at least in some way, to the end of your marriage.

Involving someone else allows your current spouse to justify any unreasonable position he/she may take during the divorce. After all, you are with someone else who probably contributed to the end of the marriage, so why shouldn’t you pay? Waiting until after the divorce is final will render this issue moot in your negotiations.       

You are just ending one relationship. While it is certainly understandable to want companionship, you are not doing anyone a favor by jumping into a new relationship before you have brought closure to the one you are still in. Too often such a “rebound” relationship is no better than the one you are leaving.

Shouldn’t you take some time to get to know yourself and recognize how you contributed to the end of the marriage, as well as consider what qualities you are looking for in another person before you become involved with someone else?

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