Divorce Mediation Is Not for Everyone - Part 1 by Daniel R. Burns

{2:00 minutes to read} My office window looks out over my parking lot. The other day I happened to glance out that window while waiting for two new clients to arrive. I noticed a woman get out of her car, look around a bit nervously, and then enter my office building. When my clients arrived, I realized that the woman I observed was one of them.

Seeing her made me realize how difficult it must be for many of my clients to mediate their divorce. They are coming to meet someone they have never met before to discuss ending their marriage, which is probably one of the most stressful events they have ever experienced.

While making the decision to divorce is usually a difficult one, I suspect that it is even more difficult to choose a process that requires you to sit in a room with your former spouse and work out the terms of that divorce.  

This is not an easy thing to do, but for those who can, you will:

  • Make the decisions that best suit the needs of your family;
  • Control the outcome;
  • Not allow an outsider such as a judge or lawyer to make important family decisions;
  • Never have to personally appear in front of a judge, at least not in New York;
  • Likely save many thousands of dollars in legal fees; and
  • Achieve “closure” in a matter of months instead of years!

While divorce mediation is not for everyone, if you can sit in a room with your spouse and discuss the future, instead of being focused on the past, the benefits are well worth it.

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