Thinking a Cheating Spouse Will Get You a Better Deal Can be a Critical Mistake by Daniel R. Burns

{1:48 minutes to read} Many people are under the mistaken belief that they are entitled to a better financial settlement because their spouse had an affair.

The reality is that even before New York adopted a No Fault Divorce law in 2010 the courts rarely “punished” a spouse for “marital misconduct.” Even if they did it only happened if the court found the behavior of a spouse was “egregious,” meaning that it offended the sensibilities of the court.

The other reality is that courts simply do not have the time or interest in hearing why your marriage is ending. While most judges care about what happens in every case, most simply don’t have the time to address matters that will not change the outcome.

One problem that many people suffer from after an affair is the loss of trust, which carries over into other areas such as finances. I understand that you may no longer trust your spouse because of the affair. So, verify all the financial information he/she is providing; check all his/her financial records. But don’t let this lack of trust prevent you from reaching an agreement that is in your best interest.

If you recognize that there is no better settlement for you because your spouse had an affair, you will be better able to settle with him/her so you can get on with your life.

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