Trying to Work Out a Settlement on Your Own Can be a Critical Mistake by Daniel R. Burns{2:18 minutes to read} Many couples feel that they can save money by working out the terms of their settlement agreement on their own. That is rarely the case.

First, most couples end their marriage because they do not communicate well. That does not mean that they don’t talk; they might talk all the time. But they may not understand what the other is saying. And if you don’t understand what your spouse is proposing, how can you agree to it?

Second, most couples may not know all of the options that are available to them. There may be ways to resolve an issue that they are unaware of or a simple solution that they don’t see. As a result, they may wind up in a court battle under the mistaken belief that they are not able to reach an agreement.

Finally, you may agree to something without fully understanding the long-term consequences. Once you find out about the consequences, you may regret what you agreed to and wish to change your mind. But this is often very difficult to do. Your spouse may feel that you are reneging on your word and can’t be trusted. You may also feel bound by what you agreed to.

A trained divorce mediator should be able to help address these concerns.

First, he or she will be able to help you communicate better.

Second, a trained divorce mediator should be aware of the various options that are available to you.

Finally, a trained divorce mediator should have some basic knowledge of the legal issues you face and can point out the long-term consequences of your decisions.

In this way, you will be able to reach an agreement that works for each of you, not only now but in the future as well.

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