Our Process
Unlike litigation, which looks backward and seeks to assess blame for past injuries, mediation requires you to look forward so you can develop an agreement that resolves key issues such as parenting of your children, [...]
Unlike litigation, which looks backward and seeks to assess blame for past injuries, mediation requires you to look forward so you can develop an agreement that resolves key issues such as parenting of your children, [...]
While it is often difficult being the person who first initiated the idea of ending a marriage, remember that your spouse may not have given this the same amount of thought as you. As a [...]
The decision to seek a divorce or separation is a difficult one in most cases. It is often preceded by months (if not years) of thought. Your mind is torn between many different emotions: confusion, [...]
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT This article was written by Rosalind Sedacca and is being sent (with her permission) to my clients and friends since it reflects the work that Rosalind and I do and [...]
1. Make a new Will Although your Separation or Divorce Settlement Agreement should make it clear that you waive any claim you may have had in the estate of your (former) spouse, it is a [...]
Divorce is a stressful situation for all involved, but most particularly for children. This is especially so when they see their parents involved in contested litigation. If Mom and Dad are fighting with each other, [...]
If you decide to see an attorney for legal advice, I recommend that you pay the attorney for his or her services as you need and use them. Do not pay the attorney a large [...]
Divorce Mediation is a voluntary process in which a couple uses a mediator to help them make informed decisions and develop a mutually acceptable marital settlement agreement within a confidential setting.
The mediator works as a neutral third party to help the couple identify issues and develop options that best meet their needs so that they can reach a settlement agreement that resolves those issues without [...]
If an agreement is reached that resolves all of your issues, we can prepare the legal documents you need. You can also have them prepared by your own attorney. And, even if we prepare your [...]