Breaking an Impasse
Bob* and Mary* were about halfway through their first mediation session when Bob announced that [...]
Ode to Dale
My friend Dale died the other day. He was 45 years old, had a wife [...]
6 Factors to Consider When Considering a Divorce
As I have said before, I believe that couples who are seeking a legal separation [...]
Preliminary Private Planning Sessions – Do They Work?
I just attended the Annual Conference of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation [...]
A Parental Shift
In the not-too-distant past, most custody agreements provided that the children would live with mom, [...]
Parental Alienation
While I guess it should not surprise me, I see many court cases that deal [...]
What’s Your BATNA? The Legal vs. the Emotional Divorce – Part 2
In divorce mediation, when someone examines his or her BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated [...]
Emotional vs Legal Divorce
In my mediation practice I often encounter couples who arrive at my office in different [...]
Change Your Beneficiaries Post Divorce!
A few years after Paul’s second marriage ended in divorce, he retired and when he [...]