6 Factors to Consider When Considering a Divorce
As I have said before, I believe that couples who are seeking a legal separation or a divorce do not have a legal problem; rather, I believe they have a practical problem that has legal [...]
As I have said before, I believe that couples who are seeking a legal separation or a divorce do not have a legal problem; rather, I believe they have a practical problem that has legal [...]
Many divorce lawyers, as well as divorce mediators, did not agree with my suggestion in a recent blog post that a couple be allowed to obtain an uncontested divorce without court approval (Judicial “Approval” of [...]
Many of my clients have been “separated” from their spouse for quite some time, even though they are not living apart. I am talking about couples who decided long ago that their marriage was over, [...]
I just attended the Annual Conference of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation (NYSCDM) where I heard the keynote speaker, Forrest (Woody) Mosten, discuss “47 Things” every mediator should know or do. One [...]
While I guess it should not surprise me, I see many court cases that deal with a parent who is so angry with his or her former (or soon-to-be former) spouse that they allow that [...]
COBRA and Divorce A judgment of divorce is generally considered a “qualifying event” that requires you to be removed from a health insurance policy you have with your now former spouse. Once the employer determines [...]
Ending a marriage is one of the most emotionally difficult things that will happen to someone, often second only to the death of a spouse. And to make matters worse, in New York it is [...]
The Affordable Care Act in New York Beginning in October 2013, consumers will be able to purchase health insurance in New York by shopping online at an insurance exchange. Currently, there are 17 insurers that [...]